






Areas of Focus :
health related concerns
difficulty manifesting
dealing with recent loss
nutrition concerns and questions
raise vibrations
remove obstacles
weight management
food cravings
difficulty sleeping
low energy levels
stress management skills
digestive imbalance
sugar cravings
Balance your chakras (energy centers) to allow your inner energy to flow without restriction. Remove blocks and restrictions.
15 minutes $55 / 30 minutes $90
45 minutes $145 / 60 minutes $195
Energy Clearing
Energy clearing for your mind, body and soul. Release and renew through various alternative healing modalities for your specific needs.
15 minutes $55 / 30 minutes $90
45 minutes $145 / 60 minutes $195
Enlightenment Coaching
Health and life coaching sessions based on intuitive guidance.
15 minutes $55 / 30 minutes $90
45 minutes $145 / 60 minutes $195
Aura Cleansing
Cleanse and balance your aura for inner harmony and balance.
15 minutes $55 / 30 minutes $90
45 minutes $145 / 60 minutes $195
Cellular Memory Healing
Cleanse, heal and balance your energy with an advanced cellular memory healing. This healing helps you remove trauma at the cellular level.
15 minutes $55 / 30 minutes $90
45 minutes $145 / 60 minutes $195
Integrative Coaching
Receive ongoing coaching support for empowerment related health, life, relationships, nutrition, career, business.
6 (45 minute sessions to be taken within 6 months from booking).
Choose free coaching consultation from scheduler to get started.
Visit my class page for information on raising your vibration for self-care and helping others. Reiki and The HIGHER Connection attunements.
Inner Wellness Healing
A Monthly Group Healing Membership
The first Sunday of every month at 10:00EST/7:00MST you will be included in a remote group healing. Jo provides these group healings from various places throughout the country depending on where she is. These locations include various spiritual locations with high vibration including from her medicine wheel.
These monthly group healings help individuals throughout the world with a spiritual boost. A spiritual healing is always helpful to keep you on track with your healing needs.
The INNER WELLNESS HEALING sessions are 1/2 hour and all INNER WELLNESS HEALING members will receive the healing energetically. You will not be connected to Jo electronically (phone, video, etc.). Jo will be connecting with you energetically and serving as a conduit to transmit healing energies to you. All you have to do is sit back, relax and be open to receive.
To join the group please fill out this form to register. Once registration is received you will receive an invoice via email. You can opt out at anytime.